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Product Tip Tuesday: Dropbox account capture

Learn how BetterCloud’s Dropbox integration alerts you to account captures and automates security actions like revoking apps and devices, and ensuring compliance.

< 1 min read
PTTTransferEmailToManager FeatureImage

Product Tip Tuesday: Transfer a Departing Employee’s Dropbox Files to Their Manager

Learn how to use BetterCloud to automatically transfer ownership of Dropbox files from a departing employee to their manager.

2 min read
blindspotsdropbox ftr

Blind Spots in Dropbox: 5 Things You Didn’t Know Your End Users & Admins Could Do

Dropbox provides plenty of flexibility to collaborate on and streamline work, but end users and admins can do and see things you might not be aware of. For example, end users can create public links to entire folders. Admins can sign in as any user and view sensitive information. To minimize security risk and exposure, here are five blind spots you should know about.

5 min read