June Release Notes: BetterCloud for Office 365 Adds Mailbox Alerts, Backend Improvements
We’re excited to announce several valuable updates to BetterCloud for Office 365, our newest product that’s currently in beta (try it free here). This release introduced an additional alert to the Domain Health and Insight Center, management actions to extend existing alert capabilities, and backend improvements.
10 Steps to Foolproof User Deprovisioning in Office 365
Deprovisioning users correctly is essential to the security of your organization. This step-by-step guide to Office 365 deprovisioning shows you how to do it right.
Trends in Cloud IT: Dissecting Adoption Across Thousands of Organizations
You’ve heard it before, the shift to the cloud is underway. What you haven’t heard, or seen for that matter, is a comprehensive look at the demographics of 1,500 IT professionals and the factors contributing to their adoption of cloud IT.
Why the Move to Cloud Office Systems is the Biggest IT Shift in 20 Years
IT is on the cusp of its biggest shift since the birth of the internet. Here’s why the rise of cloud office systems will revolutionize the way we work.
5 Things You Should Know About Your Office 365 Tenant
Over the last six months, our team has spoken with hundreds of IT admins about the key problems they face when managing their Office 365 tenants. While Microsoft offers customers a multitude of management solutions, the customers we’ve spoken to as part of our BetterCloud for Office 365 Beta Advisor program have made one problem clear — they desperately want better visibility into their environment, but they lack the time or the tools needed to get that critical information.
Announcing BetterCloud for Office 365: Building a Microsoft Business as a Premier Google ISV
We’re excited to announce the public beta release of BetterCloud for Office 365. We are…
3 Things We Love About Microsoft’s Focus on Innovation
Since Satya Nadella took over at Microsoft, things have changed. The company has changed its tune and quickly restablished itself as one of the most innovative companies on the planet.