From One CIO to Another: Why The Dominant On-Premise Model Has Had Its Day
If you want to think long-term and big picture, says one CIO, then SaaS absolutely needs to be part of your solution set. Take heed, fellow CIOs: IT is in a tug o’ war–pushed to do more while being pulled in new directions–in a data governance and regulation environment that will punish the unprepared.
The SaaS-Powered Workplace: The Present & Future of Work
Centralize. Automate. Govern. These are foundational elements of the new BetterCloud, now the first-ever multi-SaaS management (MSM) platform. BetterCloud has undergone a two-year, total reconstruction to address the challenges IT faces in the age of the SaaS-Powered Workplace.
How to Manage and Encourage Highly Converged Teams
Highly converged teams. Heard of them? They’re the new normal, but they’re a prime breeding ground for shadow IT. Here’s a new model for working with shadow IT, not against it. IT can maintain visibility and control of new apps, and teams can work in the ways they want and need to.
The Partner Perspective: Making Change Stick
Driving transformational change in an organization is never easy. Making change happen is one thing, but making it last is another. The stickiness of change hinges on two crucial factors.
Wise Words from a 20-Year IT Veteran on How to Work Better, Hire Better, and More
IT is anything but simple. It’s a complex profession where every answer seems to start with, “Well, it depends…” That’s why taking a people-focused approach to IT is essential, according to 20-year IT veteran and CIO advisor Gavin Whatrup.
Slack, Microsoft Teams, & What Real-Time Messaging's Battle for the Enterprise Means for IT
Did you catch the news? Microsoft launched their Slack competitor, Microsoft Teams, yesterday. The pace of of innovation in the real-time messaging space over the past 3 years has been incredible. 15 years ago we were all using AIM (right?!) and email. Today it feels like there are at least 10 unique channels through which you can reach anyone in your organization.
IT Exec Disconnect: New Data Suggests IT Executives and Their Teams Are Out of Sync
Trends in Cloud IT is back, and we’re excited to share our second major installment of this year’s series. Our last survey revealed the meteoric rise of SaaS applications, and now, we’re analyzing the relationships between IT executives and their staff.
The Partner Perspective: When Change is On the Horizon, What Do You Do?
Change management is never easy. But when you’re the only one who knows about the impending change, how do you handle it?
Trends in Cloud IT: G Suite vs. Office 365 and the Meteoric Rise of SaaS Applications
Trends in Cloud IT visualizes the explosive growth of SaaS applications through the lens of nearly 1,000 G Suite and Office 365 IT professionals. Our goal is simple: We want to understand how technology is changing the way we work, and more importantly, how this transformation affects IT.
Why IT & HR Should Fix Their Marriage of Inconvenience
HR and IT are partners in waiting, but they need a little marriage guidance. If there isn’t a close partnership, the potential costs can be perilous.