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what does successful security program ftr

What Does a Successful Security Program Look Like?

In the era of data breaches, what makes up a successful security program? BetterCloud’s Senior Security Architect Austin Whipple shares what success and failure look like in a security program. After reading this article, you’ll come away with a few ideas you can implement right away. Here’s what he’s seen work.

Austin Whipple
9 min read
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The Essential Steps, Tools, and Technologies for Achieving a Zero Trust Security Model in Your SaaS Environment

It’s time to get tactical. In the third and final part of our blog series, we discuss the necessary tools and technologies to implement a Zero Trust security model in your SaaS environment.

Arun Shrestha
3 min read
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Rolling Out a Zero Trust Security Model? Here’s What You Need to Think About

In part two of our blog series, we discuss 12 best practices when implementing a Zero Trust security model for effective SaaS management.

Arun Shrestha
3 min read
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Taming SaaS Security Challenges with the Zero Trust Security Model

Today, the new reality is that network-based security is no longer adequate. Companies need to invest in a new security architecture to effectively manage their sprawling SaaS portfolio. Enter: Zero Trust. Part one of our blog series explores why a new security framework is essential right now.

Arun Shrestha
4 min read
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Paranormal (User) Activity: 4 Terrifying IT Stories on Insider Threats

For IT and security professionals, spooky season can feel like a year-round experience. Research shows that insider threats — specifically, those caused by end users — are keeping folks up at night. At BetterCloud, we’re seeing insider threats take shape in a variety of surprising forms. Here are four frightening tales from implementation sessions with new customers where we uncovered both malicious and negligent employees jeopardizing confidential business information.

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6 Takeaways from Altitude 2018

Last week, we hosted Altitude, our annual customer summit, in Denver, Colorado. It was our best customer summit yet, with over 140 IT and security professionals attending. Thirty speakers from all over the country gave insights and tips on security automation, SaaS management efficiency, and the future of IT and technology. Missed it? No worries. Here are six key takeaways from the conference.

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Activity-based Alerts: Giving IT More Granularity and Control

You spoke, we listened. At our annual customer conference last year, the number one feature you requested was activity-based alerts. These are alerts for things like suspicious user logins or the downloading of confidential files. So we built it. So far we’ve released alerts for Okta, Dropbox, and G Suite, with more on the way for Box, Salesforce, and Microsoft. Activity-based alerts are the next frontier for companies securing mission critical SaaS apps. Here’s how they give IT more control and insights than ever before.

5 min read
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A Top G Suite Expert Shares His 31 Best Modern Security Tips

If you ever wanted to find a treasure trove of excellent security tips — written by a top Google expert in a lively, easy-to-understand way — then look no more. Kevin A. McGrail is a cybersecurity and privacy expert who is also ranked as the #1 contributor in the world on Google’s official G Suite platform, Google Cloud Connect. In this post, he shares 31 recommendations and best practices related to passwords, email security, and more. While some of these tips are specific to G Suite, many are broader ones that can help secure any system.

Kevin A. McGrail
15 min read
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Automate Security & Compliance for Google Drive with AODocs and BetterCloud

BetterCloud has partnered with AODocs, a document management and business application platform built on top of Google Drive. Given the need for companies to identify, audit, and repair security breaches, AODocs and BetterCloud make it easy to automate security and compliance while allowing employees to focus on business critical issues. Learn more about how the two platforms work together.

Stéphane Donzé
2 min read
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Here’s What We Found in One Customer’s SaaS Environment That Caused Their IT Director to Say “Nooooo”

The widespread adoption of SaaS apps is creating new risks and ways to expose data. Unbeknownst to IT, these blind spots lie undiscovered below the surface, waiting like a dormant volcano to erupt. Over the last few months at BetterCloud, we’ve uncovered major blind spots during dozens of implementation meetings with new customers, and what we found in their SaaS environments stunned many IT teams. Here’s what we discovered.

4 min read