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BetterCloud Monitor

Empowering, educating, celebrating, and delighting the modern IT professional.

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The 6 Essential Elements of a Successful SaaS Management Strategy

By BetterCloud | March 19, 2018

In recent years, SaaS adoption has been like the Wild West: a somewhat chaotic “free-for-all” frontier with lots of unknowns. After interviewing, surveying, and talking to thousands of modern IT professionals over the last few years, we’ve identified six elements that are integral to successful SaaS management. Here’s a holistic strategy that will set you up for IT success.

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A Better Way to Manage Multiple SaaS Apps (Featuring New Recommendations from 451 Research)

By BetterCloud | March 12, 2018

Managing multiple SaaS applications is creating unprecedented risk and challenges for IT organizations. Enter: SaaS Operations Management (SOM), a new market that solves those challenges. 451 Research Principal Analyst Carl Lehmann recently hosted a webinar where he explained the high value of SOM, how it’s unique, and why companies need to start paying closer attention to it. Here’s a recap.

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The 5 Most Popular Tools Recommended by IT Pros

By Ben Lang | February 21, 2018

What are the must-have IT tools? A panel of IT pros weighed in on their favorite software and services, and then community members upvoted their faves. Here are the top five results.

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The Top Security Blind Spots in Your SaaS Environment

By BetterCloud | February 13, 2018

“Fired IT Guy Puts Porn in Ex-Boss’ PowerPoint, Gets Sweet Revenge.” “Corporate Data Slips Out Via Google Calendar.” “Hundreds of Companies Expose PII, Private Emails Through Google Groups Error.” These are just a few of the news headlines that represent hidden security threats lurking in SaaS environments. Last week, we hosted a webinar on the top security blind spots you should know about. Don’t worry if you missed it. Here’s a recap.

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SOM vs. CASB vs. IDaaS: The Unique Value of BetterCloud Demonstrated in 10 GIFs

By BetterCloud | February 7, 2018

“What is BetterCloud? Is BetterCloud a CASB? An IDaaS?” People ask us these questions all the time. But BetterCloud is solving a set of challenges that no other vendor addresses. We’re not a CASB or an IDaaS (in fact, many of our customers use us alongside those solutions). Instead, we’re pioneering a new IT market: SaaS Operations Management, or SOM. Here are 10 GIFs that illustrate the unique value of BetterCloud.

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3 Real-Life IT Horror Stories That Illustrate Dangerous Blind Spots in SaaS Environments

By BetterCloud | February 1, 2018

Increasingly, IT teams are running into unforeseen challenges and realizing that there are critical areas—aka blind spots—they have no visibility into. Here are some real-life horror stories that illustrate major blind spots in SaaS environments and the damage they can cause.

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What No One Tells You About Managing SaaS Environments: 6 Guiding Principles for IT Success

By BetterCloud | January 19, 2018

There’s a lot that nobody tells you about SaaS management… like how it’s impossible to manage data sprawled across dozens of apps. Or that manual, repetitive tasks will take up most your day (and crush your soul). We recently hosted a webinar on all the best practices and guiding principles you should know but nobody tells you about. Here’s a recap.

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The 10 Most Popular Monitor Posts of 2017

By BetterCloud | December 20, 2017

As 2017 winds down, we’re taking a look back and bringing you the 10 most-read Monitor posts from this year. We’re seeing the usual themes—security, productivity, and how to work better overall—but some new topics popped up this year, like GDPR. Here’s what you enjoyed reading the most in 2017.

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2017: The Year of Betters (A Video Recap)

By BetterCloud | December 12, 2017

Thank you to everyone—our amazing customers, partners, and employees—who made 2017 our best and most memorable year yet. Check out this quick video recap to see the year’s highlights.

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When It Comes to GDPR Preparation, 21% of IT Professionals Say "We Have No Idea What We're Doing"

By BetterCloud | December 7, 2017

There’s a lot of confusion around GPDR, which takes effect May 2018. So this week we hosted a webinar called GDPR Compliance: “Explain Like I’m Five.” Our data privacy expert explained all the essential GDPR concepts and exactly what IT needs to do to make their organizations GDPR compliant. Missed it? Here’s a recap.

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Think GDPR Only Means Reporting Data Breaches Within 72 Hours? Think Again

By Jodi Daniels | December 4, 2017

While GDPR does require you to report a data breach within 72 hours, that’s not the only rule IT needs to be aware of. GDPR also involves the newly defined role of a Data Protection Officer (do you need to appoint one?), and new responsibilities for data controllers vs. data processors (which one are you?). Find out the answers in this post. Plus, we’re including a 10-step checklist to get you jump-started on your path to GDPR compliance.

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How IDaaS Provider Ping Identity Uses BetterCloud

By BetterCloud | November 29, 2017

BetterCloud Core was a “no-brainer for us,” says Woody Grover, IT Manager at Ping Identity. Both BetterCloud and Ping streamline the onboarding process and drastically cut down manual work. “BetterCloud builds on what Ping already does, providing a similar automated process for Google, Zendesk, and Atlassian apps.”

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