SaaS Updates Summary: August 22 – August 26
August 28, 2022
< 1 minute read

What happened while I was away? For starters, it’s a little easier to collaborate with non-Google users in Google Drive. Plus, Sheets got some much-needed upgrades that allow you to create high-performance custom functions. Read up about these updates and a few others in the links.
Easily search for Chat spaces in Gmail
Google Workspace Updates | When entering queries previously in the Gmail search box, you could see applicable emails or Chat and space conversations by selecting the “Mail” or “Messages” buttons.
More ways to collaborate using visitor sharing in Google Drive
Google Workspace Updates | You can use visitor sharing to allow non-Google users to upload content or create files within shared drives owned by organizations and users on Google Workspace.
Adding more flexibility to functions in Sheets
Google Workspace Updates | Google is introducing named functions, a new feature that allows you to create high-performance custom functions that support built-in Sheets formula constructs.
Upgrade to OAuth 2.0 to continue using Calendar Interop by October 1, 2022
Google Workspace Updates | On October 1, 2022, Microsoft will begin to remove the ability to use Basic authentication in Exchange Online for Exchange Web Services.
Updated “Hey Google” voice control behavior for Google Meet hardware devices
Google Workspace Updates | With this update, the Google assistant will only be active when a device is not in a meeting and within 10 minutes of an upcoming meeting.
For last week’s SaaS updates (and beyond), click here for our archive.