Product Tip Tuesday: How to Improve Open Rates With Send Email Action Updates
March 29, 2022
< 1 minute read

Have you ever had an employee ask why they’re getting emails from—and more importantly, if those emails are safe to open?
Don’t worry—you’re not alone. And we’ve heard you loud and clear.
That’s why we’re excited to introduce the latest update to BetterCloud’s “Send Email” action. With this update, you can now customize and control which address your BetterCloud alert emails come from. Using familiar syntax and email domains makes end-users more likely to read and react appropriately to an alert email, rather than interpreting the email as irrelevant or a potential security risk.
Ensure your employees are receiving and reading their BetterCloud emails by taking advantage of this new feature today. If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide to implement sender controls, check out this video:

Looking for more ways to customize BetterCloud emails to employees at your organization? Check out this BetterCloud Support article outlining how you can configure “Send Email” action emails to use HTML or plain text formats.